We Are Hiring

Togo Sam Hemmings Togo Sam Hemmings

Head of Marketing

We are looking for a skilled Marketing Manager who will be responsible for the marketing venues of our organization in Togo.

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Togo Sam Hemmings Togo Sam Hemmings

Community Manager

We are looking for an organized, versatile and dynamic person, who wishes to express his creativity, share his ideas, and relay information full of meaning and convictions.

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Togo Sam Hemmings Togo Sam Hemmings

Communication Officer

We are looking for a motivated, detail-oriented person with a sense of anticipation and a passion for communication as a whole.

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Togo Sam Hemmings Togo Sam Hemmings

BTL Manager

We are looking for a dynamic, motivated and passionate person in the field of event management, sales activations or any other field related expertise for our operation in Togo.

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